Greenhouse Gas Reduction in RICE: MICRO-biome climate smart applications (microGRICE)

Código: .
Duración: 1/5/2023 - 1/5/2027
Entidad Financiadora: NWO-WOTRO
Presupuesto: 225000
Investigador/es principal/es: .
Participantes: Kevin Bretscher
Salma Balazadeh (Leiden University)
Jos M. Raaijmakers (NIOO-KNAW)
Url: Enlace
The MicroGRICE project’s primary goal is to reduce methane emissions from rice paddies through bacteria. Within this project I work on the development of a synthetic bacterial community that can improve rice growth and yield. In addition, I study the role of microbiomes and bacteria in alleviating salt stress on rice plants. My overarching research goal is the development of microbe-centered strategies that will improve the sustainability of rice cultivation.