Seminarios IHSM La Mayora - Andrea Sánchez-Vallet (Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas (CBGP/UPM-INIA))

Fungal pathogen effectors: Understanding their regulation and plant targets Zymoseptoria tritici, the causal agent of septoria tritici blotch, is one of the most damaging wheat pathogens, causing significant economic losses. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying resistance towards this pathogen is critical for controlling the disease. Z. tritici employs effectors in order to colonize the host and culminate its life cycle. Although effectors are usually beneficial for the pathogen, wheat has evolved mechanisms to specifically recognize certain effectors and to trigger immune responses that hinder the progression of the pathogen. In addition to host resistance, the outcome of Z. tritici infections depends on its capacity to compete with other microorganisms that grow as endophytes in wheat leaves. Here, I will present our latest results regarding the contribution of effectors in triggering host resistance and in interacting with fungal endophytes, and the role of effector gene regulation in host evasion.